Monday, April 14, 2008

Sir Elton: “Vote for Hillary Clinton!”

A few days ago, Elton John played, in New York, a fundraiser concert for Clinton’s campaign. The article I stumbled onto it is funny and true. The author is a clever writer too. It is a great article first because it points up that even non-citizens can comment on American politic (especially if they raise money for political campaigns!), and give advices on who should be the next president; second, even though Sir Elton spends most time in America, he still sees America with a stranger’s eyes. Now, Elton John is not much the matter here, but he may be an example of how foreigners, who don’t actually live in the US, can have a wrong pick on American society, culture, and thus on its politic.

John stated that Americans are misogynist. (Of course, Hillary didn't comment on the statement, and this is what she said). They are not! It is not that Hillary Clinton shouldn’t govern America because she is a woman, but rather she shouldn’t be the next president because she seems able to transform politic in soap opera. Then again, assuming that she will be the new president, the US will may have three leaders in one because her husband and her daughter seems to play an important role in her political life.

Americans should vote Clinton if they want to live a “fairy tale”.


Update: I just found out on The New York Times that "Mr. John, a foreign national, cannot under federal law make any contribution to a federal, state or local election campaign." Check on the blog post. Does Hillary know any federal law at all? Where the 2.5 million dollar raised will go now?

This is another article from The Huffington Post

1 comment:

Christine M said...

Hillary has kind of been creeping me out lately with all of her "I'm just like you down-home folk" campaigning in PA. It was funny that, despite talking about religion and guns in her past a lot, Hillary said that a question about when the last time she went to church or shot a gun was was irrelevant. Hmmmmm.....